We create solutions using water mist


The ChlodzenieWedlin.pl website has been launched

Telesto Technology in the Fight Against Coronavirus
Investor relations

Since 2011, the company has been listed on the NewConnect market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In this section of the website, you will find basic information about the company, its authorities, and supervisory bodies. Here, we also publish announcements about convened General Meetings of Shareholders, Supervisory Boards, and other important events for the company. In this section of the website, you can also learn about our short and long-term strategy of operation and familiarize yourself with reports on the company’s current activities.
Headquarters of the Company:
ul. Ludwinowska 17,
02-856 Warszawa
NIP: 9512296356
KRS: 0000339844
tel.: 22 648 84 46, fax: 22 648 87 64
e-mail: telestosa@telestosa.pl
Production facility:
ul. Fabryczna 5,
26-130 Suchedniów